Review Article

Mobile IPv6 Vertical Handover Specifications, Threats, and Mitigation Methods: A Survey

Table 2

Summary of infrastructure-less security.

Infrastructure-less securityMain operationMain strengthMain weakness

CAM [102, 111]Correspondence with the generated key pair at the initialization phaseDefence against falsification attackThe protocol cannot ensure MN node reliability
caTBUA [112, 113]Using context information to validate an appropriate CoA dynamicallyIt outperforms the existing BU authentication protocolsRequires more information to build the context
IBS [88]It includes two security primitives: encryption and signatureEnsures two-way origin authenticationRequires comparing levels of security
UDHBU [114]It utilizes the signalling on a low-layer level to exchange DH variablesIt does not require having preestablished SAs between relevant MAGsVulnerable to DoS, MITM, and false BU attacks
SDR [104]Home registration and correspondent registrationDefence against rerun attack, false BU message, and MiTM attacksThe registration requires time
PKBU [115]Provide a cryptographic binding between the CN and MNThe address ownership is assuredIt does not cover the CoA ownership
OEAP [109]Incorporating the OAE based on the random oracle model to provide both security and efficiencyInvolves fewer security computations than the other BU schemesIntroduces high computational work