Research Article

DPAEG: A Dependency Parse-Based Adversarial Examples Generation Method for Intelligent Q&A Robots

Algorithm 2

Adversarial words generation algorithm.
Input: keyword k
Output: adversarial word set
(1) //Query typos of keyword k
(2)if there are typos of keyword k in the typos corpus and then
(3)  Add typos of keyword k to
(4)end if
(5) //Search for spell-similar words
(6) Set the value of d according to the POS of k
(7) Determine the subdictionary according to the initials of the keyword k
(8)for do
(9)  if the word satisfies three constraints then
(10)   Add similar word to similar word set
(11)  end if
(12)end for
(13) //Query typos of spell-similar words
(14)for do
(15)  if then
(16)   Add to
(17)  else
(18)   if there are typos of in the typos corpus and then
(19)    Add typos of to
(20)   end if
(21)  end if
(22)end for
(23)return adversarial words set