Research Article

SLAM: A Malware Detection Method Based on Sliding Local Attention Mechanism

Table 1

API category classification description.


Undefine0Undefined API in category dictionary
Net1API related to network operations includes socket, wsa, etc.
File2API related to file operations includes read, write, copy, etc.
Process3API related to process operations includes thread, process, etc.
Reg4API related to registry operations.
Device5API related to device operations includes mouse, keystone, etc.
Cert6API related to cert operations includes encrypt, decrypt, etc.
System7API related to system operations includes dll, error, etc.
Service8API related to services operations
Window9API related to window operations includes findwindow, drawwindow, etc.
Memory10API related to memory operations includes readmemory, writememory, etc.
Privilege11API related to privilege operations
Com12API related to com operations includes createinstance, etc.
Message13API related to message operations includes sendmessage, recieve, etc.
Debug14API related to debugger operations
Shell15API related to shell operations
Data16API related to data operations includes buffer, etc.
Session17API related to session operations includes encrypt, decrypt, etc.