Research Article

E2PP: An Energy-Efficient Path Planning Method for UAV-Assisted Data Collection

Algorithm 1

Path planning algorithm.
(1)get the coordinates of each node in S
(2)calculate and construct C with the formula (7)
(3)for all nodes, m (m = 0, 1, …, n) do
(4) take the node m as the starting node (only assumed, not necessarily true)
(5)P[m][0] = m; % path[m][ ] records the optimal path starting from the node m
(6) find the node q which is the closest to the node m and take it as the next node to be visited
(7)P[m] [1] = q; % record the node q as the first node that will be visited
(8)i = m
(9)j = q; % be ready to find the next node to be visited
(10)  for (l = 2; l ≤ n; l++)
(11)   find the subscript k which makes C[i][j][k] minimum in the array C[i][j][ ]
(12)   P[m][l] = k;   % record the next node that will be visited
(13)   i = j;
(14)   j = k;   % be ready to find the next node to be visited
(15)  end for
(16)end for
(17)for (m = 0; m ≤ n; m++)
(18) get Path[m][] by setting the starting node as the node 0 in the loop path P[m][];
(19) calculate EC[m];
(20)end for
(21)find the subscript s which makes EC[s] minimum in the arrayEC
(22)return Path[s][ ]% Path[s][ ]is the optimal loop path planned for data collection