Research Article

A Dynamic Privacy Protection Mechanism for Spatiotemporal Crowdsourcing

Algorithm 2

Static publishing anonymity protection based on l-diversity.
Input: l-diversity parameter l, aggregation result U from Algorithm 1
Output: aggregation result L
(1) Take time set T out of U
(2) Take location set O out of U
(3) Calculate the global centroid by equation (5),
(5)  ,
(7)  , ,
(8)  for to do
(9)   Update the centroid of by equation (3)
(11)   , ,
(12)  end for
(13)  Update the centroid of by equation (3)
(14)  ,
(15)end while
(17)  fordo
(19)   ,
(20)   Update the centroid of
(22)  end for
(23)end while
(24)return L