Research Article

A Dynamic Privacy Protection Mechanism for Spatiotemporal Crowdsourcing

Algorithm 3

Dynamic publishing anonymous protection.
Input: k-anonymous parameter k, aggregation result U from Algorithm 1, incremental dataset I, buffer pool dataset B
Output: aggregation result D, buffer pool dataset
(1) Calculate global dataset W=I+B
(2)for to r do
(3)  Take the centroid set out of U
(6)  ifthen
(7)   ,
(8)   Update the centroid of
(10)  end if
(11)end for
(12)forto r do
(13)  ifthen
(14)   Callback Algorithm4
(15)    input: k-anonymous parameter k, cluster M
(16)    output: aggregation result G
(17)  end if
(19)end for