Research Article

TBSMR: A Trust-Based Secure Multipath Routing Protocol for Enhancing the QoS of the Mobile Ad Hoc Network

Algorithm 1

Routing process.
 Step 1: Intiate_DummyTransact ( )
  { Step 1.1: Source Node broadcasts Dummy RREQ with fake Destination Address and
  Destination Sequence Number using Send_Dummy_RREQ ( ) function.
  Step 1.2: if (RREP==received)
  Mark corresponding node as Malicious Node.
  Propagate this malicious node ID to other nodes in a network.
 Step 2: Route Discovery Initiated by Source Node.
 Step 3: Route Establishment by considering trust values of nodes.
 Step 4: Packet Transmission from Source Node to Destination
for each node on the existing route do
Check Trust value (trust_val), Congestion status and Available energy level
   If ((trust_val>0.6) andand (QS = = 0) andand (Avail_Pow > Thresh_Pow))
   Send DREQ to the next node in routing table and wait for DREP
if (DREP = = received)
Send data packets to the next node and wait for DR (Data Received) packet
   if (DR = = received)
   Mark node as trusted.
Update and propagate trust value of node.
   else if ((turst_val>0.6)
   if ((QS = = 1) || (Avail_Pow ≤ Thresh_energy))
   Select Alternate route from cache for forwarding the packets.
   goto Step 4.
   else if (trust_val<0.6)
   Marks node as malicious and remove from the routing table.
   Select alternate route if available, Otherwise
   goto Step 2.
   re-establish route using step 2 and repeat the process.