Research Article

A Blockchain-Based Sealed-Bid e-Auction Scheme with Smart Contract and Zero-Knowledge Proof

Table 1

Abbreviations and notations.

Abbr./notationFull name

P2PPeer-to-peer communication
ECCElliptic curves cryptography
RSARivest-Shamir-Adleman algorithm
DSADigital signature algorithm
ZK-STARKA kind of zero-knowledge system: scalable transparent argument of knowledge
ZK-SNARKA kind of zero-knowledge system: succinct noninteractive arguments of knowledge
The bidder with ID i
IThe set of all bidders’ IDs
The winning price
The bid price of bidder i
The random blinding factor of bidder i
G, HTwo generating points on specific elliptic curves to encrypt bid price
The commitment price of price
CThe commitment price of the winning price
The differential commitment price of C and
The public key of the smart contract