Research Article

CFA: A New Family of Hybrid CA-Based PRNGs

Table 9

NIST Statistical Test Suite results.

Test name valueInterpretation

The frequency (monobit) test0.5884Pass
Frequency test within a block0.4362Pass
The runs test0.5381Pass
Tests for the longest-run-of-ones in a block0.5448Pass
The binary matrix rank testNot applicable
The discrete Fourier transform (spectral) test0.4079Pass
The nonoverlapping template matching testNot applicable
The overlapping template matching testNot applicable
Maurer’s “universal statistical” test0.3946Pass
The linear complexity test0.7515Pass
The Serial -value 1 test0.7857Pass
The Serial -value 2 test0.7030Pass
The approximate entropy test0.7335Pass
The cumulative sums (cusums) forward test0.6292Pass
The cumulative sums (cusums) reverse test0.7458Pass
The random excursions testNot applicable
The random excursions variant testNot applicable