Research Article

PACAM: A Pairwise-Allocated Strategy and Capability Average Matrix-Based Task Scheduling Approach for Edge Computing

Algorithm 4

search_schedule (available_D, , , , ).
Input: The capabilities of available devices AC; The estimated device quantity for each task ,
Output: The feasible schedule Schedule
(1)sort in ascending order;
(3)CAM compute the average value of any two capabilities in AC
(4)for do
(5)for do
(6)   ();
(7)   find the corresponding devices of in
(8)  ;
(9)  RemoveCAM, and ;
(10)   search in CAM;
(11)  RemoveCAM, and ;
(12)  search until device quantity of {} equals to
(13)   {};
(14)  Replace with ;
(15)   repeat the search operations of
(16)  add () into
(17)the feasible schedule fs TOPSIS(assignment)
(18)Return fs