Clinical Study

Clinical Features and Polysomnographic Findings in Greek Male Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome: Differences Regarding the Age

Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics of Greek male patients with OSAS.

Young and middle age ( , m ± SD)Elderly ( , m ± SD) value

AGE <0.001+
Neck circumference NS
Daytime sleepiness (ESS)* NS
Cardiac arrhythmias**7%11%<0.001+
Inability to concentrate**2%1.5%NS

AGE: in years. BMI: body mass index (Kgr/m2), neck circumference, measured in cm. , which was considered significant, *ESS: Epworth Sleepiness Scale (expressed as mean ± SD), **data are presented as %, NS: not significant.