Clinical Study

Melatonin Supplementation in Patients with Complete Tetraplegia and Poor Sleep

Table 3

Subjective sleep reports the night prior to (baseline) and last night of the two-week melatonin supplementation phase.


KSS2 (2–4)2 (1–4)
BNSQ1. Have you had any difficulties in falling asleep?2 (1–5)1 (1–3)
BNSQ2. For how long (how many minutes on average) do you stay awake in bed before you fall asleep (after lights out)?
 (a) Working days5.8 (1.5–10)5.5 (1–10)
 (b) During free time20 (1.5–60)15 (1–30)
BNSQ3. How often do you wake up during the night?5 (4-5)5 (3–5)
BNSQ4. How many times do you usually wake up in one night?b3 (3-4)2 (2-3)*
BNSQ5. How often have you awakened very early in the morning without being able to fall back to sleep?2 (1–3)1 (1–4)
BNSQ6. How well have you been sleeping?c3 (2–4)2 (1–3)
BNSQ7. Have you used sleeping pills (by prescription)?1 (1–5)1 (1–5)
BNSQ8. Do you feel excessively sleepy in the morning?1 (1–3)3 (1–4)
BNSQ9. Do you feel excessively sleepy in the daytime?1 (1–4)2 (1–3)
BNSQ10. Have you suffered from an irresistible tendency to fall asleep while at work?2 (1–3)2 (1-2)
BNSQ11. Have you suffered from an irresistible tendency to fall asleep during free time?2 (1–3)1 (1-2)
BNSQ12. How many hours do you usually sleep per night?6 (6-7)6.5 (6-7)
BNSQ13. At what time do you usually go to bed (in order to sleep)?
 (a) During a working week10:15 pm (9 pm–11:30 pm)10:50 pm (9:40 pm–12 am)
 (b) During free days11 pm (9 pm–1:30 am)12 am (9:40 pm–12 am)
BNSQ14. At what time do you usually wake up?
  (a) During a working week6:30 am6:30 am
  (b) During free days6:30 am (6:15 am–8 am)6:30 am (2:30 am–9:30 am)
BNSQ15a. How often do you have a nap during daytime?1 (1–4)1 (1–3)
BNSQ15b. If you take a nap, how long does it usually last (minutes)?40 (20–60)32.5 (20–45)
BNSQ16. Do you snore while sleeping (ask other people)?2 (1–3)3 (1–5)
BNSQ17. In what way do you snore (ask other people about the quality of your snoring)?d3 (1–5)3 (1–5)
BNSQ18. Have you had breathing pauses (sleep apnoea) during sleep (have other people noticed that you have pauses in respiration when you sleep)?13 (1–5)
BNSQ20. How many hours of sleep do you need per night (how many hours would you sleep if you had the possibility to sleep as long as you need to)?7 (6–10)7 (6–10)

. Note: values are medians (range). The basic scale for answer alternatives is as follows: 1 = never or less than once a month; 2 = less than once per week; 3 = on 1-2 days per week; 4 = on 3–5 days per week; 5 = daily or almost daily.b Answer alternatives: 1 = usually I don’t wake up at night; 2 = once per night; 3 = two times; 4 = 3-4 times; 5 = at least five times per nightc. Answer alternatives: 1 = well; 2 = rather well; 3 = neither well nor badly; 4 = rather badly; 5 = badlyd. Answer alternatives: 1 = i don’t snore; 2 = my snoring sounds regular and it is of low voice; 3 = it sounds regular but rather loud; 4 = it sounds regular but it is very loud (other people hear my snoring in the next room); 5 = i snore very loud and intermittently (there are silent breathing pauses when snoring is not heard and at times very loud snorts with gasping).