Research Article

Index Based Hidden Outlier Detection in Metric Space

Algorithm 5

Index based hidden outlier detection algorithm.
Input: , ,
(1)  ; ; ; // is a data block of dataset
(2)  pivot pivotSelection();
(3)  (); // is a data block of dataset
(4)  while  
(5)   if (Theorem 10 holds for ) then break;
(6)   else
(7)    ;
(8)    ;
(9)    (, startID);
(10)    for each in with order
(11)    for each in   
(12)      if (Theorem 11 doesn’t hold for and )  
(13)       ; update .NN
(14)       if   remove from ;
(15)    for each in   
(16)    if (Theorem 9 doesn’t holds for )
(17)     ()  //update ;
(18)      //update ;
(19)    for each cs in   
(20)     if ()
(21)      delete cs from ;
(22)    if ()
(23)     insert to ;
(24)   process();
(25)  return ;