Review Article

Big Data in Cloud Computing: A Resource Management Perspective

Table 3

Comparison and application areas of related research studies.

Study referenceData modelResource frameworksStudy featuresEvaluation/ranking methodology

[8]Data stream processing systemsStorm, Flink, Spark, SamzaA brief comparison of resource frameworks

[9]Batch and stream processing systemsHorizontal scaling systems, such as peer-to-peer, MapReduce/MPI, and Spark, and vertical scaling systems, such as CUDA and HDLComparison of horizontal and vertical scaling systemsTheoretical comparison of resource frameworks

[10]Batch and stream processing enginesMapReduce, Spark, Flink, and Storm as well as machine learning librariesMachine learning libraries and their evaluation mechanismPerformance comparison with respect to machine learning toolkits

[11]Batch and stream processing frameworksHadoop, Storm, and other big data frameworksIn-depth analysis of big data opportunities and challenges

[12]Batch and stream processing frameworksHadoop, Spark, Storm, Flink, and Tez as well as SQL, Graph, and bulk synchronous parallel modelAnalysis of current open research challenges in the field of big data and the promising directions for future research

[13]Stream processing enginesApache Storm, S4, Flink, Samza, Spark Streaming, and Twitter HeronClassification of elasticity metrics for resource allocation strategies that meet the demands of stream processing servicesEvaluation of elasticity/scaling metrics for stream processing systems