Research Article

Behaviour Preservation across Code Versions in Erlang

Listing 17

(1) -spec from_list(List) -> Orddict when
(2)   List:: [Key:: term(), Value:: term()],
(3)   Orddict:: orddict().
(5) from_list([]) -> [];
(6) from_list([_,_]=Pair) -> Pair;
(7) from_list(Pairs) ->
(8)   lists:ukeysort(1, reverse_pairs(Pairs, [])) % RIGHT
(9)   lists:ukeysort(1, Pairs).           % WRONG
(11) % ukeysort(N, TupleList1) -> TupleList2
(12) %   Returns a list containing the sorted elements of
(13) %   list TupleList1 where all except the first tuple of
(14) %   the tuples comparing equal have been deleted.
(15) %   Sorting is performed on the Nth element of the tuple
(17) reverse_pairs([_,_=HT], Acc) ->
(18)   reverse_pairs(T, [HAcc]);
(19) reverse_pairs([], Acc) -> Acc.