Research Article

Novel Two-Dimensional Visualization Approaches for Multivariate Centroids of Clustering Algorithms

Algorithm 2

K-means++ and mapping by QGA.
Input: Number of the centroids, k, iteration number (it)
Output: Map with C placed, M
QM: Population containing individual qubit matrices
PM: Population containing individual probability matrices
qm: Length of QM
pm: Length of PM
tr ≔ 0
C: Set of the centroids returned by Algorithm 1
For a = 1 : qm
 For i = 1 : c
  For j = 1 : r
   QM ·   ≔  
   QM ·  ≔ 
For a = 1 : pm
 makeOperator(it, PMa)
QM = updateOperator(QM)
tr ≔ tr + 1
Until tr = it
Return M having the fittest value