Research Article

Practical Experiences in the Use of Pattern-Recognition Strategies to Transform Software Project Plans into Software Business Processes of Information Technology Companies

Table 4

Mappings from the source system onto the target system. Source: MPS® legacy database Metamodel (cf. Figure 4) ⟶ Target: Process Metamodel [28] (cf. Figure 1(a)).

ConceptSource MMTarget MM
ArtifactColumnsClassPropertyAssociationsOCL constraints

(a) A Project is mapped onto a Process
Project name
Msp_Projectsproj_uid nameProcess Activityoid_Process nameis_a Activity

(b) Project Tasks are mapped onto Process Activities
#ActivityMsp_Tasks + FK_Msp_Projectstask_uidActivityoid_Activity+activities (∗)
Activity nametask_nameNameis_a Task
Activity starttask_act_startStartis_a_Milestone
Activity endtask_act_endEnd

(c) Group Activities are mapped onto Subprocesses
Activity is composed of a group of tasksMsp_Tasks: Table + FK_Task_ParentParent of the set_of_rows with the same foreign key (Task_Parent_Uid = Task_uid) and (Msp_Projects.Uid = Msp_Tasks.Proj_Uid)ActivityIs_AdHoc = trueis_a Subprocess
Subprocessis_a Process

(d) Subprojects are mapped onto Subprocesses
Activity is an external subprojectMsp_Tasks: Table + FK_Task_Is_SubProjectParent of the set_of_rows with the same foreign key Task_Is_SubProj_Proj_Uid = Proj_uidActivityis_a Subprocess
Subprocessis_a Process

(e) Allowed Durations are mapped onto OCL constraints
Fixed durationMsp_Tasks: Tabletask_dur_is_est = falseTime_Constraintmindur = maxdurtc(∗)FIXD
Flexible durationtask_dur_is_est = truemindur = task_durFLEXD

(f) Time Constraints are mapped over Activity events
Inflexible TCMsp_Tasks: Tabletask_dur_is_est = falseTime_Constraintmindur = maxdurtc(∗)FIXD
Flexible TCtask_dur_is_est = truemindur = task_durFLEXD

(g) Time Dependencies are mapped over Activity events
Time DependenciesMsp_LinksLink_type
Time_Dependencytd_type = link_type
leadORlag = link_lag