Research Article

Multiswarm Multiobjective Particle Swarm Optimization with Simulated Annealing for Extracting Multiple Tests

Algorithm 2

Pseudocode: migration parallel MMPSO with SA.
Function Migration_Par_MMPSO_SA: Extracting tests using Migration Parallel MMPSO and SA
For each available thread t do
Generate the initial population by using SA as it is capable of escaping local minimums. In this stage, the process of finding new solutions using SA is improved by movingto Gbestusing the received information about the location of Gbestand remove any incorrect solutions;
While stop conditions are not met do
  Gather Gbest and all Pbest;
  For each Pbest
  Move Pbest towards Gbest using location information of Gbest;
  Apply velocity update using (4),
  Apply position update using (5),
  End for
  Gbest moves in a random direction to search for the optimal solution;
  If the probability for migration γ is met then
  Execute function Migration_MMPSO with t;
  End if
End while
End for