Research Article

Multidepot Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem for a Variety of Hazardous Materials with Risk Analysis

Table 1


Indices and sets
Index of customer.
Set of customers.
Index of vehicle.
Set of vehicles.
Index of scenario.
Set of scenarios.
Index of route.
Set of routes from customer to customer .
Index of type of hazardous materials.
Set of type of hazardous materials.

Equals 1 if vehicle can visit customer .
Travel time from customer to customer for vehicle on route .
Service time at customer .
Transportation demand of hazardous materials at customer .
Capacity of vehicle .
Latest working time of vehicle .
Fixed cost of vehicle .
Risk probability from customer to customer on route .
Coefficient of transportation cost.
Coefficient of risk cost.
Coefficient of work overtime cost.

Decision variables
Binary, equals 1 if vehicle serves .
Binary, equals 1 if vehicle travels from customer to customer by route on scenario .
Binary, equals 1 if vehicle serves customer i earlier than vehicle .
Binary, equals 1 if vehicle is started.
Binary, equals 1 if vehicle transports hazardous material .
Float, time point when vehicle arrives at customer on scenario .
Float, time point when vehicle starts serving customer on scenario .
Integer, quantity of hazardous material transported by vehicle at customer on scenario .