Research Article

HPM: A Hybrid Model for User’s Behavior Prediction Based on N-Gram Parsing and Access Logs

Algorithm 5

Weight calculator.
Input: N-gram associated click-graph (NC-graph)
Output: weighted N-grams corresponding to distinct URLs stored in matrix WL
(1) Create a matrix WL of order m × n//mno. of distinct N-grams of all the queries of PL and nno. of URLs of PL
(2);//elements of WL
(3) For each URL in NC-graph do
(4)//weight of N-gram associated with query q corresponding to URL u
(5) For each N-gram in NC-graph do
(6)Cn,u = Cq,u; //
(8) End For
(9) For each N-gram in NC-graph do
(10) and //normalization of calculated weights
(11) Store in WL;
(12) EndFor
(13) EndFor
(14) Return WL;
(15) End