Research Article

[Retracted] Retrospection of the Optimization Model for Designing the Power Train of a Formula Student Race Car

Table 3

Comparison of different drive systems.

S. NoBelt driveGear driveChain drive

1Main element are pulleys and beltMain element gearsMain element sprockets, chain
2Chances of slipNo-slipNo-slip
3Used for large centre distanceUsed for the short centre distanceUsed for the moderate centre distance
4More space requiredLess space requiredModerate space required
5Simple in design and manufacturingComplicated in design and manufacturingThe simplest in design and manufacturing
6Failure in belt does not damage machineFailure in gear may cause serious break down in the machineFailure in a chain may not seriously damage the machine
7Life time is lessMore life timeModerate life time
8Lubrication not requiredRequires proper lubricationLubrication required
9Mainly used for low-velocity ratioMainly used for high velocity ratioMainly used for moderate velocity ratio
10Low installation costHigh installation costModerate installation cost