Research Article

Porcellio scaber Algorithm with t-Distributed Elite Mutation for Global Optimization

Algorithm 1

TPSA algorithm.
Set the objective function f(x), x = [x1,x2, …, xd]T
Set the algorithm parameters: population size N, elite mutation probability parameter Pt, the upper and lower boundaries of the weight allocation parameter λ, and step scale coefficient γ.
Initialize the Porcellio scaber population (i = 1,2, …, N)
f(x) determines the environmental condition Ex at x
for k = 1 to maxiter
Obtain the current optimal position:
Randomly generate an exploration environment vector τ = [τ1, τ2, …, τd]T
Calculate the optimal environmental conditions min{Ex} and the worst environmental conditions max{Ex} at position xik
for i = 1 to n
Calculate the action intensity p according to Equation (4)
Update individual position Xik+1 according to Equation (3)
if pt > rand
Update the mutant Porcellio scaber position Xik+1 according to Equation (5)
 end if
The individual fitness after position update was calculated
 end for
if MinFitness(k + 1) > MinFitness(k)
Reserved the optimal information of the previous generation to the next generation
 end if
end for