Research Article

Analysis of Improved YOLO Algorithm in English Translation

Table 1

Comparison of prior orbital width and height.

K = 7K = 8K = 9K = 10K = 11

(6, 9)(6, 9)(6, 9)(5, 12)(5, 7)
(10, 15)(8, 12)(9, 14)(5, 17)(7, 11)
(13, 21)(11, 17)(12, 18)(7, 11)(10, 14)
(19, 30)(15, 24)(15, 24)(10, 14)(10, 18)
(27, 44)(20, 32)(20, 32)(11, 18)(13, 20)
(36, 60)(26, 43)(26, 43)(15, 24)(16, 25)
(141, 10)(36, 69)(32, 51)(20, 32)(21, 32)
(141, 10)(40, 69)(27, 44)(26, 43)
(141, 10)(36, 60)(32, 51)
(141, 10)(40, 70)
(141, 10)

ln the table, “∗” represents none, which is also a critical value.