Clinical Study

Will Septal Correction Surgery for Deviated Nasal Septum Improve the Sense of Smell? A Prospective Study

Table 2

Correlation matrix between combined olfactory score on the obstructed side of the nose and rest of the variables, both pre- and postoperatively.

VariablePreop COS (7.90 ± 2.234)Postop COS (12.39 ± 3.687)

VASRho = −0.493 ()Rho = −0.713 ()
SFNQRho = −0.436 ()Rho = −0.497 ()
NAF (inspiration)Rho = 0.440 ()Rho = 0.739 ()
NAF (expiration)Rho = 0.512 ()Rho = 0.771 ()