Review Article

Comparing Supervised Exercise Therapy to Invasive Measures in the Management of Symptomatic Peripheral Arterial Disease

Table 4

Supervised exercise plus invasive measures (open surgery or EVR) versus monotherapy.

BaselineEndpointBaseline EndpointBaselineEndpoint

Lundgren et al. [30]
 Surgery13 months0.5520957085405
 Surgery + SET0.59<0.0011834590.05671870.006
Badger et al. [31]
 Surgery6 months
 Surgery + SET0.020.001
Greenhalgh et al. [26]
 SET24 months0.660.74126168
 EVR + SET0.680.900.021143540.05
Greenhalgh et al. [26]
 SET24 months0.690.72126155
 EVR + SET0.660.830.011332450.4
Kruidenier et al. [27]
 EVR6 months0.710.93282685343547
 EVR + SET0.690.880.7551869560.0012938420.001
Mazari et al. [25]
 EVR12 months0.710.9771463175
 EVR + SET0.640.920.93851870.25943990.484
Bø et al. [28]
 EVR3 months21342794267
 EVR + SET<0.001385584NS101456NS

ABPI: ankle brachial pressure index; MWD: maximal walk distance; ICD: intermittent claudication distance; EVR: endovascular revascularization; SET: supervised exercise therapy. Distances in metres unless otherwise stated. represents significant improvement favouring combined treatment. value represents statistical comparison of interventions. — represents nonreported figures.