Research Article

Diagnosis and Management of Intraoperative Colorectal Anastomotic Leaks: A Global Retrospective Patient Chart Review Study

Table 2

Management of intraoperative anastomotic leaks.


Method of diagnosing the intraoperative leak, n (%)
Air leak test347 (75.8%)
Dye test1103 (22.5%)
Others8 (1.7%)
Time taken to manage and stop leak (minutes)2
Mean (SD)21.2 (16.8)
Interventions performed following leak, (%)3
Oversewing of staple line355 (77.5%)
Sealant80 (17.5%)
New anastomosis43 (9.4%)
Ileostomy/colostomy47 (10.3%)
Time required for all interventions performed per patient (minutes)4
Mean (SD)22.1 (21.0)

Further details and by-country data provided in Supplemental Table . 1Methylene blue. 2No information available for 101 patients. 3Multiple responses possible. No information on interventions available for 14 patients. 4No information available for 99 patients. Max: maximum value, Min: minimum value, : total number of patients, : number of patients observed, and SD: standard deviation.