Research Article

Vacuum-Assisted Abdominal Closure Is Safe and Effective: A Cohort Study in 74 Consecutive Patients

Table 3

Results from the three-month follow-up clinical examination and the quality of life questionnaire. The results are given as number (%). For the SF-36, the results given are mean value and confidence interval (95% CI).

Treatment successfulTreatment unsuccessful value

Total52 (88.1%)7 (11.9%)
Ventral hernia6 (11.5%)4 (57.1%)0.002
Large hernia needing repair/already repaired2 (3.8%)3 (42.6%)0.002
SF-36 physical (95% CI)41.75 (26–37)31 (22–63)0.0057
SF-36 mental (95% CI)45.8 (21–69)40.5 (21–70)0.3193