Research Article

Treatment and Outcome for Children with Esophageal Atresia from a Gender Perspective

Table 6

Need of dilatations and anesthesia for anastomotic stricture among boys and girls with esophageal atresia during the first year after surgery. Values are presented as median (range) or as the absolute number and percentage of patients, n (%).

Girls (n = 20)Boys (n = 20)p value
Median (range)Median (range)

≥1 dilatationn = 12 (60%)n = 12 (60%)1
Weeks until 1st dilatation8 (4–49)11 (4–36)1
Number of dilatations1 (0–15)2 (0–10)0.24
Number of anesthesia procedures4 (1–16)6 (1–14)0.48

Fisher’s exact test; Mann–Whitney U test.