Research Article

Is a Technically Challenging Procedure More Likely to Fail? A Prospective Single-Center Study on the Short- and Long-Term Outcomes of Inguinal Hernia Repair

Table 2

Univariate analysis of the risk factors for a recurrence of hernia following hernia repair.

No recurrence ()Recurrence ()OR (95% CI) value

Age (years)5748ns
Operation time (min)4463ns
Heavy occupational exertion, (%)156 (40)9 (90)13.7 (1.9–60.4)0.002
Recurrent hernia, (%)54 (14)2 (20)1.6 (0.2–8.1)ns
Technical difficulty, (%)
 Easy/medium343 (88)5 (50)
 Difficult47 (12)5 (50)7.2 (1.6–32.7)0.005
Chronic pain71 (18)6 (60)6.7 (1.5–3 3.1)0.005

ns: not significant.