Clinical Study

A Pilot Evaluation of On-Road Detection Performance by Drivers with Hemianopia Using Oblique Peripheral Prisms

Table 2

Summary of interventions that occurred in each condition and on each side for current ( ) and noncurrent ( ) drivers.

InterventionSP driveRP driveTotal for each intervention

Brake1 (0; 1 ;  0)9 (3; 5; 1)05 (3; 2; 0)15
Steering correction06 (1;0; 5)1 (0; 0; 1)1 (0; 0; 1)8
Verbal advice1 (0; 1; 0)4 (2; 0; 2)005
Accelerator01 (0; 0 ; 1)001
Total for each drive2 (0; 2; 0) 20 (6; 5; 9) 1 (0; 0; 1)6 (3; 2; 1)

Overall total 22 (6; 7; 9) 7 (3; 2; 2)29

Numbers in brackets provide the breakdown of interventions by side (seeing side; blind side; no side). Cells with italics are significantly different, as are cells with bold (see Figure 3).