Research Article

Motor Imagery Experiences and Use: Asking Patients after Stroke Where, When, What, Why, and How They Use Imagery: A Qualitative Investigation

Table 2

Translated codes, categories, and domains for interview data analysis.

English codeEnglish categoryEnglish domain

Goals for intervention period (upcoming 2 weeks)MI usageExpectation MI intervention
MI examplePatients’ prestudy knowledge of MIPatients’ pre-study knowledge, experience, and understanding of imagery
MI example: grasp something
originating of MI
Preknowledge MI: yes—from sports
Preknowledge MI: yes—not from sports
Preknowledge MI: no
Practical performance motor task: grasp glass
Practical performance motor task: grasp something
Practical performance MI: to craft something
Practical performance motor task: toe and finger movements
Practical performance motor task: movements
Practical performance motor task: jogging training
Practical performance since stroke: no
Preexperience MI: from assessments
Preexperience MI: operating sequence
preexperience MI: yes
Preexperience MI: yes— sport
Preexperience MI: thought about MI
Preexperience MI: no
Preexperience MI: did not help
Preexperience MI: disappointment
Preexperience: content MI
Meaning of MIPatients’ understanding of MI
Reasoning for MI usage
Performing MI
Belief in MI: negative
Belief in MI: positive
Belief in MI: sceptical
Hypothesis on MI requirements
Personal belief in MI
Requirement MI: quietness
Preexperience: other psychological technique (e.g., psyching up, activity planning)Other prestudy mental imagery experiences
Preexperience: other psychological technique (e.g., psyching up, activity planning)
Preexperience: autogenetic training
Preexperience: content autogenetic training
Preexperience: dreaming
Performing MI: saying to yourself
Preexperience: other psychological technique (e.g., psyching up, activity planning)
Assumption MI intervention period: not helpfulBelief in MI after MI intervention regarding prestudy MI experiences
Assumption MI intervention period

MI content/reflecting on sit-to-stand examplePerforming MI: locationLocationWhere
Starting position MIPosition
Assumption: starting position MIPosition
Assumption: location MILocation
Performing MI: concentratingConcentrationWhen
Performing MI: concentrating noConcentration
MI: concentration difficultiesConcentration
Duration MIDuration
Performing MI: simultaneously with other activitySituation
Assumption: time of the dayTime of the day
Reasoning for MI: MI content surroundingsContent MI of MI exampleWhat
Assumption: MI contentContent of MI during MI example
MI content: stand upContent of MI example
MI content: motor task incompleteMovement completeness
MI content: motor task completeMovement completeness
MI content: motor task unclearMovement completeness
MI content: motor task like healthy peopleContent of MI example
MI content: imagine always the sameContent of MI example
MI content: walkingContent of MI example
MI content: personContent of MI example
MI content: see yourselfContent of MI on MI example
MI content: sensation yesSenses
MI content: sensation noSenses
MI content: sit-to-standContent of MI on MI example
MI content: sit-to-stand (SS) completeMovement completeness
MI content: SS surroundingsContent of MI example
MI content: imagine always the sameContent of MI example
MI content: walkingContent of MI example
MI content: personContent of MI example
MI content: see yourselfContent of MI on MI example
MI content: sensation yesSenses
MI content: sensation noSenses
MI content: sit-to-standContent of MI on MI example
MI content: sit-to-stand (SS) completeMovement completeness
MI content: SS surroundingsContent of MI example
MI content: SS surroundings unclearContent of MI example
MI content: SS unclearContent of MI example
MI content: surroundingsContent of MI example
MI content: surroundings lightContent of MI example
MI content: surroundings nothingContent of MI example
MI content: independent from surroundingsContent of MI example
Combination with physical practiceConcentrationWhy
Transferring MI to different people: unclear if MI is helpfulConcentration
Continuing MI: yesMotivation of post-study MI usage
Continuing MI: noMotivation of post-study MI usage
Continuing MI: unclearMotivation of post-study MI usage
Eyes open during MIEyesHow
Eyes closed during MIEyes
Assumption: MI_slow motionSpeed
Reasoning for MI: speedSpeed
Reasoning for MI: closed eyesEyes
Reasoning for MI: orderOrder MI and physical practice
Performing MI: concentration phase before MIComponents
Performing MI: find quietness before MIComponents
Performing MI: speedSpeed
Performing MI: eyes closedEyes
Performing MI: perspectivePerspective
Performing MI: order MI versus physical practiceOrder MI and physical practice
Assumption: duration MIDuration
Assumption: effect repetitionsNumber of MI trials per MI training session
Assumption: speed MISpeed
Assumption: order MI versus physical practiceOrder
Assumption: less time for sit-to-stand example mentalSpeed
Assumption: repetitions MINumber of MI trials per MI training session
MI content: MI speed normalSpeed
MI content: feel movement yesMode
MI content: feel movement noMode
MI content: feel movement unclearMode
MI content. SS perspective externalPerspective
MI content: SS perspective internalPerspective
MI content: SS perspective unclearPerspective
MI repetitionsNumber of MI trials
Reasoning for MI: usagePatients’ understanding of MIPost-MI intervention considerations
Reasoning for MI: simple
Reasoning for MI: helpful
Reasoning: sceptical versus MI
Reasoning for MI: difficult
Reasoning for MI: not helpful
Performing MI: simple
Performing MI: difficult
Reasoning for MI: not difficult
Reasoning for MI: continuingPatient’s MI intervention evaluation
Learning effect regarding MI intervention
Learning effect regarding MI intervention: new movement sequencePatients' learning effect due to MI intervention
Learning MI
Transferring MI to different movement sequence: general
Transferring MI to different movement sequence: walking
Transferring MI to different movement sequence: fingers/hand
Transferring MI to different movement sequence: no
Transferring MI to different movement sequence: difficult
MI content: get up from the floor
Transferring MI to different people: MI is helpfulMI attributes/qualities
Transferring MI to different people: MI is not helpful