Review Article

A Systematic Review of the Causes and Management of Ischaemic Stroke Caused by Nontissue Emboli

Table 2

Features of decompression sickness and associated neurological deficits.

Types of DCSSymptoms and signsSpeed of onset

Type 1Musculoskeletal pain and cutaneous symptoms such as “marbling” or cutis marmorataBegin quickly and build in intensity

Type 2More serious affecting 1 or more of the followingImmediate to delayed
 (i) Neurological: paraesthesia, ataxia, focal deficits, altered mental status. Spinal cord is the commonest site of involvementDelayed presentation can result in more serious injury due to insidious onset and delay in reporting
  (ii) Inner-ear: tinnitus, vertigo, ataxia, deafness
  (iii) Cardiopulmonary: dyspnoea, pain, “gasp” due to sudden hypoxia from development of bubbles, cardiopulmonary collapse