Review Article

Stroke in the Century: A Snapshot of the Burden, Epidemiology, and Quality of Life

Table 1

Types of ischaemic stroke based on the TOAST classification.

Stroke typeCausesPercentage

Large artery thrombotic strokesAtherosclerotic plaques in the large blood vessels of the brain lead to ischemia and infarction20%

Small penetrating artery thrombotic stroke (Lacunar stroke)One or more vessels in the brain are affected (microatheromatosis)25%

Cardiogenic embolic strokeAssociated with cardiac dysrhythmias, valvular heart disease, and thrombi in the left ventricles15%

Cryptogenic strokesCause is unknown5-10%

Strokes associated with other causesSuch as illicit drug use20-25%

Source: adapted from Adams et al. [13].