Research Article

Determining the Joint Effect of Obesity and Diabetes on All-Cause Mortality and Cardiovascular-Related Mortality following an Ischemic Stroke

Table 1

Variables and definitions of prespecified variables and potential confounders for analysis.


Pre-Specified Variables

Age < 65 years, ≥ 65 years

Gender Male, Female

Race/ethnicity non-Hispanic White, non-Hispanic Black,
Hispanic, Asian, Other

Treatment assignment Aspirin + extended release dipyridamole/telmisartan, Clopidogrel/telmisartan, Aspirin + extended release dipyridamole/placebo, Clopidogrel/placebo

Qualifying stroke neurological severity Mild (NIHSS < 8),
Moderate/Severe (NIHSS ≥ 8)

Ischemic stroke sub-type Large-artery atherosclerosis, Cardioembolism,
Small-artery occlusion, Other, Undetermined

Potential Confounders

Baseline systolic blood pressure in mmHg

History of previous stroke or TIA Yes, No

History of previous myocardial infarction Yes, No

History of atrial fibrillation Yes, No

History of congestive heart failure Yes, No

History of coronary artery disease Yes, No

History of hypertension Yes, No

History of hyperlipidemia †Yes, No

Smoking status Current smoker, Former/Never smoker

Regular alcohol consumption At least 1 drink/week, No alcohol consumption

Average physical activity prior to qualifying stroke Sedentary: walking <1 mile/day, Some physical activity: 20-30 minutes, 3 times/week, Intense physical activity: > 30 minutes, > 3 times/week

indicates potential confounder for all-cause mortality; † indicates potential confounder for cardiovascular-related mortality.