Research Article

Major Achievements and Prospect of the ATLAS Integral Effect Tests

Table 2

Key test matrix for the LBLOCA reflood tests.

Test IDTest conditions

LB-CL-05Separate effect test (Phase-1)
 (i)  Late reflood condition focusing on downcomer boiling effect

LB-CL-09Integral effect test at conservative condition
  (i) Decay power: ANS73x120%
  (ii) Containment pressure: 0.1 MPa
  (iii) Power distribution: radially uniform

LB-CL-11Integral effect test at BE condition
  (i) Decay power: ANS79x102%
  (ii) Containment pressure: 0.2 MPa
  (iii) Power distribution: radially uniform

LB-CL-14Integral effect test at BE condition
  (i) Decay power: ANS79x102%
  (ii) Containment pressure: varying
  (iii) Power distribution: radially non-uniform

LB-CL-15Separate effect test
  (i) Complementary test at low reflooding rate