Research Article

Accuracy and Uncertainty Analysis of PSBT Benchmark Exercises Using a Subchannel Code MATRA

Table 1

MATRA models for an analysis of PSBT benchmark exercises.


(i) Two-phase flow models
 Field equationsHomogeneous mixture
 Subcooled boiling void fractionLevy model
 Bulk boiling void fractionModified Armand model
 Two-phase friction multiplierArmand model
(ii) Subchannel interaction models
 Crossflow resistance factor0.5
 Turbulent mixing parameter for single-phase0.04
 Two-phase turbulent mixing modelEM model
(iii) Hydraulic Resistance Models
 Bundle friction factor0.184 Re−0.2
 Spacer grid loss factor (MV/NMV/SS)(*)1.0/0.7/0.4 [1]

(*) MV: Mixing Vaned, NMV: Nonmixing Vaned, SS: Simple Support.