Research Article

Nuclear Power Plant Maintenance Optimization with Heuristic Algorithm

Table 3

Unavailability and importance measures for selected basic events of the AFW system.

Rank FVBasic eventDescriptionUnavailabilityFVRRWRAW

2AFW-TDP-FS-FW2TDPFW2 fails to start
3AFW-TDP-FR-2P6HRTDPFW2 fails to run 6 hrs
4AFW-CKV-OO-CV142Backflow through CV142
5AFW-MDP-FS-FW3AMDPFW3A fails to start
6AFW-MDP-FS-FW3BMDPFW3B fails to start
7AFW-CKV-OO-CV172Backflow through CV172
8AFW-CKV-OO-CV157Backflow through CV157
9AFW-TDP-MA-FW2Test and maintenance of TDPFW2
10AFW-TNK-VF-CSTInsufficient water available from condensate storage tank

13AFW-MDP-FR-3A6HRMDPFW3A fails to run 6 hrs
14AFW-MDP-FR-3B6HRMDPFW3B fails to run 6 hrs
19ACP-BAC-ST-4KV1H4160 V AC bus 1H buswork failure
20ACP-BAC-ST-4KV1J4160 V AC bus 1J buswork failure
21DCP-BDC-ST-BUS1A125 V DC bus 1A buswork failure
22DCP-BDC-ST-BUS1B125 V DC bus 1B buswork failure