Research Article

Safety Assessment of Nuclear Power Plants for Liquefaction Consequences

Table 1

Soil description.

Depth, mStratum

0–2Fill, variable loose sand and silt and soft clay

2–8Quaternary (Holocene) fluvial-aeolian strata with lenses from floods, very fine silty sand; the average thickness of lenses 1.0–1.5 m

8–15Quaternary fluvial sand and gravel: medium to dense silty sand becoming gravelly sand at depth

15–27Quaternary fluvial gravel

27–53Pannonian, greenish grey to 45 m then becoming yellowish brown, weakly bedded, and very silty fine sand with bands of sandy silt

53–57Pannonian, ochreous colored laminated and ripple-bedded micaceous sandy silt becoming very silty clay between 55 and 56 m

57–67Pannonian, yellowish brown weakly bedded silty fine sand

67–86Pannonian, ochreous colored alternating bands of laminated and ripple bedded silty fine sand, sandy silt, and very silty clay

86–100Pannonian, yellowish brown laminated micaceous silty fine sand with some sandy silt, below 94 m cross bedded silty fine to medium micaceous sand