Research Article

Standalone Containment Analysis of Four Phébus Tests with the ASTEC and the MELCOR Codes

Table 6

Summary of the investigated parameters and influence for each Phébus test.

Common parameters

Number of Particle Size ClassesNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo

Dynamic Shape Factor for Agglomeration ProcessesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes

Aerosol densityYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes

Agglomeration shape factorYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes

Turbulence dissipation ratesNoYesNoNoNoYesNoNo

Particle sticking probabilityYesYesNoYesNoYesNoYes

Ratio of the thermal conductivity of the gas phase to theNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo
thermal conductivity of the aerosol particles

Aerodynamic Mass Median DiameterYesYesNoYesYesYesYesYes

Geometric Standard DeviationNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNo

ASTEC-specific parameters

Influence of the aerosol particles on the gas densityNo/No/No/No/

Flag to dynamically calculate the condensation time stepNo/No/No/No/

Air molecular weightNo/No/No/No/

Relation employed to calculate the collision efficiency forYes/No/No/No/
gravitational and turbulent coagulation

Water film thickness used for drainage and aerosol wash-downNo/No/No/No/

Aerosol deposition velocity for each aerosol componentNo/No/No/No/

MELCOR-specific parameters

Condensation of water on all the aerosol particles or only/No/No/No/No
on aerosol particles containing water

Particle slip coefficient influencing the gravitational/No/No/No/No

Constant associated with the thermal accommodation/No/No/No/No
coefficient for the thermophoresis deposition

Diffusion boundary layer thickness/No/No/No/No

Partition of I- between atmosphere and sump/Yes/Yes///No

Partition of HIO between atmosphere and sump/Yes/Yes/No/No