Research Article

Fundamental Frequencies of Vibration of Footbridges in Portugal: From In Situ Measurements to Numerical Modelling

Table 3

Amplitude values in mg of the measured maximum motion at mid-span for a group of 10 footbridges in the transverse (T), longitudinal (L), and vertical (V) directions.

Noise1 person walkJumpExcitationTypology

CP_Gago Coutinho280. BG
Rel gio_Gomes Costa_W426.52.57126457327Steel BG
Braga NE251.51741.417249.6138191840Steel truss
Av Gomes Costa (Leste)301.8275.25.432367.1796.77.697Steel truss
Rego463. truss
Av. EUA_Chelas Leste250.
Entreposto Escola_Herc_Carvalho202.6431RC
Vale Formoso (Chelas)
Microsoft Porto Salvo252.90.910.8114.83.8359.6155247.690Other types
CC Vasco Gama Norte751.61.9455.212.5Other types