Research Article

An Alternative Solution of Train-Track Dynamic Interaction

Table 1

Main notations adopted in this work.

NotationPhysical meaningUnit

Zc/Zt/ZwVertical displacements of car body, frame, and wheelsetm
βc/βt/βwPitch angles of car body, frame, and wheelset°
Mc/Mt/MwMasses of car body, frame, and wheelsetkg
Cpz/CszDamping of primary suspension and secondary suspensionN·s/m
Kpz/KszStiffness of primary suspension and secondary suspensionN/m
ltWheel basem
lcLength between bogie centersm
GContact constant of wheel and railm/N2/3
δZ(t)Elastic compression deformationm
Zw(t)Wheel displacementm
Zr(t)Rail displacementm
Z0(t)Track irregularitym
zr(x, t)/yr(x, t)/ϕr(x, t)Vertical, lateral and torsional displacements of the railm
mrRail mass per unit lengthkg/m
ρrRail densitykg/m3
Locations of ith fastener and jth wheelsetm
Ns/NwNumbers of fasteners and wheelsets
δ(x)Dirac delta function