
Objectives. This work is a trial to elucidate the parasitological and histopathological sequelae of giving the antimalarial drug (artesunate) in experimental intestinal amoebiasis. Methods. A group of 24 hamsters was infected by Entamoeba histolytica cysts orally using a canula. This group was subdivided into two main subgroups. Subgroup I: given 6000 E. histolytica cysts orally by a canula, then sacrificed five weeks postinfection. Subgroup II : given the same infective dose, then two weeks later, treated with artesunate 10 mgm/Kg b. wt/hamster over 3 consecutive days. Again sacrifice was performed five weeks postinfection. Multiple stool examinations, and histopathological examination of the caecal end of the large intestine were resorted to, in order to assess the antiamoebic effect of the drug. Faecal smear examination revealed absolute disappearance of E. histolytica cysts in the treated group. Again, histopathology of the mucosal scrapings of the caecum showed complete absence of Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites in the treated group, when compared to the control animals (P<.001). This study may be beneficial, especially in areas endemic with amoebiasis to help overcoming the emerging resistance to the usually available antiamoebic drugs.