Research Article

The Perception of Evidence for Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis Current Practices after Cardiac Surgery: A Canadian Cross-Sectional Survey

Figure 4

Assesment of participants knowledge and perception of the prevelance VTE after cardiac surgery and the evidance of its prophlaxis. (a) Perception of the incidence of DVT after cardiac surgery. (b) Perception of the incidence of PE after cardiac surgery. (c) Perception of the class of the recommendation of VTE prophylaxis after cardiac surgery (class I: benefit greatly exceeds the risk and treatment should be administered (is effective), class IIa: benefit exceeds the risk and it is reasonable to administer treatment (most likely effective), and class IIb: benefit probably exceeds the risk and treatment may be considered (efficacy less well established)). (d) Perception of the level of evidence of VTE prophylaxis after cardiac surgery (level A: evidence from multiple randomized trials or meta-analysis, level B: limited evidence from a single randomized trial or nonrandomized studies with some conflicting evidence of benefit, and level C: expert opinions or case reports).