Clinical Study

Rapid Diagnosis of Pulmonary and Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis in HIV-Infected Patients. Comparison of LED Fluorescent Microscopy and the GeneXpert MTB/RIF Assay in a District Hospital in India

Table 1

Positive results utilizing light-emitting diode fluorescent microscopy and Xpert MTB/RIF assay.

Total Smear positive Xpert positiveAbsolute differenceRatio Xpert/LED
𝑁 𝑁 % (95% CI) 𝑁 % (95% CI) % (95% CI) (95% CI)

Sputum16610663.9 (56.2 to 70.8)12474.7 (67.5 to 80.8)10.8 (5.2 to 16.5)1.17 (1.08 to 1.26)
Sputum x316611669.9 (62.4–76.4)12474.7 (67.5 to 80.8)4.8 (0.6 to 9.1)1.07 (1.02 to 1.13)
Extrapulmonary253239.1 (6.1 to 13.3)7429.2 (24 to 35.2)20.2 (14.8 to 25.5)3.22 (2.29 to 4.52)
 CSF14232.1 (0.7 to 6.4)3524.6 (18.2 to 32.4)22.5 (15 to 30.1)11.67 (3.95 to 34.42)
 Pleural fluid751013.3 (7.3 to 23.1)2432 (22.4 to 43.4)18.7 (8.5 to 28.8)2.4 (1.49 to 3.85)
 Ascitic fluid18211.1 (2.8 to 35.4)527.8 (12 to 52)16.7 (−6.1 to 39.4)2.5 (0.85 to 7.31)
 Pus10770 (37.5 to 90.1)880 (45.8 to 95)10 (−18.6 to 38.6)1.14 (0.88 to 1.49)
 Stool8112.5 (1.7 to 53.9)225 (6.3 to 62.4)12.5 (−22.9 to 47.9)2 (0.5 to 8)
Total41912930.8 (26.5 to 35.4)19847.3 (42.5 to 52.1)16.5 (12.6 to 20.3)1.53 (1.38 to 1.7)

CI: confidence interval; LED: light-emitting diode fluorescent microscopy; CSF: cerebrospinal fluid.