Research Article

Source Case Investigation for Children with TB Disease in Pune, India

Table 1

Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of pediatric index cases.

Characteristic Total enrollees
Cases with known
household TB contacts ()
Cases without known household TB contacts () value

Personal information
 Male29 (58%)10 (67%)19 (54%)
 Female21 (42%)5 (33%)16 (46%)
Median age, months (IQR)27 (18–38)27 (18–45)28 (18–48)0.89
Daily contact with people outside home36 (72%)10 (67%)26 (74%)0.73
 Neighbors32 (64%)10 (67%)22 (63%)
 Attends school12 (24%)3 (20%)9 (26%)
 Extended family9 (18%)1 (0.1%)8 (23%)
 Other3 (6%)0 (0%)3 (0.09%)
HIV status0.54
 Positive9 (18%)4 (27%)5 (14%)0.29
 Negative36 (72%)10 (67%)26 (74%)
 Unknown5 (10%)1 (0.1%)4 (11%)
Median time between TB diagnosis and start
of TB treatment, days (IQR)
3 (0–15)17.5 (0–26)2 (0–9)0.03
Household information
Location of house 0.29
 Urban/periurban46 (92%)14 (93%)32 (91%)
 Rural2 (4%)1 (0.07%)1 (0.03%)
 Other2 (4%)0 (0%)2 (0.06%)
Family type 0.85
 Joint29 (58%)9 (60%)20 (57%)
 Nuclear21 (42%)6 (40%)15 (43%)
Median adults in the home (IQR)3 (2–5)3(2–6)3 (2–5)0.74
Median children in the home (IQR)a2 (1–3)2 (1-2)2 (2-3)0.05
House with ≤2 rooms42 (84%)12 (80%)30 (86%)0.68
House with no windows32 (64%)9 (60%)23 (66%)0.70
House with 1 person employed for pay24 (48%)7 (47%)17 (49%)0.90
Monthly household incomeb0.82
  $0–63 USD17 (34%)6 (40%)11 (31%)
  $63–111 USD19 (38%)4 (27%)15 (43%)
  >$111 USD12 (24%)4 (27%)8 (23%)
 Refused to Answer2 (4%)1 (0.06%)1 (0.03%)
Primary caretaker education level ≤4th grade19 (38%)4 (27%)15 (43%)0.35
Moderate to severe food insecurity12 (24%)7 (46%)5 (14%)0.01

INR: Indian Rupees; IQR indicates interquartile range.
aThe index case.
bBased on conversion of 1 USD = 48.5 INR (average for 2010-2011) [4].