Research Article

Application of Cox Proportional Hazards Model in Case of Tuberculosis Patients in Selected Addis Ababa Health Centres, Ethiopia

Table 4

Results of the univariable proportional hazards Cox regression model of TB patients DOTS in six randomly selected AA health centers.

Analysis of maximum likelihood estimates
CovariatesDFParameter estimateStandard error Lik. ratio valueScore valueWald valueHazard ratio

Gender1−0.00878 0.19526 1382.9700.96410.96410.9641 0.991
Age10.01626 0.00608 1376.2440.00950.00720.0074 1.016
Weight1−0.00859 0.00772 1381.7610.27110.26650.2659 0.991
Smear result1−0.31097 0.24441 1381.2510.18960.20120.2033 0.733
TBC1−0.70235 0.22993 1374.7820.00420.00180.0023 0.495
TTB cat. II10.26331 0.26657 1381.0390.3805
0.3233 1.301
TTB cat. III10.36374 0.26882 0.1760 1.439
HIV10.98580 0.19524 1358.373<0.0001<0.0001<0.0001 2.680
The value of for the null model is 1382.972