Research Article

Multiplex Analysis of Pro- or Anti-Inflammatory Serum Cytokines and Chemokines in relation to Gender and Age among Tanzanian Tuberculous Lymphadenitis Patients

Table 2

Serum cytokine levels in the adult and paediatric patients with tuberculous lymphadenitis and healthy controls.

Cytokine (pg/mL)Adult patients ()
Median (range)
Healthy controls ()
Median (range)
valuePediatric patients ()
Median (range)

IFN- 0.0 (0–42.8)0.0 (0–1.5)0.0010.0 (0–40.4)0.268
TNF-8.4 (0–352.5)2.5 (0–51.7)0.0053.2 (0–33.4)0.015
GM-CSF35.2 (0–506.9)0.0 (0–379.2)0.0070.0 (0–147.9)0.023
IL-148.7 (0–6305.4)0.0 (0–933.2)0.0044.0 (0–610.5)0.338
IL-20.0 (0–28.2)0.3 (0–16.3)0.0381.0 (0–105.6)0.003
IL-40.0 (0–18.5)0.0 (0–4.3)0.0020.0 (0–5.4)0.208
IL-51.0 (0–10.0)0.5 (0–12.5)0.5590.0 (0–1.5)0.001
IL-647.4 (0–25781.5)0.0 (0–9355.1)0.00044.1 (0–587.4)0.244
IL-8370.4 (0–386578.0)65.9 (1.6–2888.2)0.07168.2 (0–3551.4)0.195
IL-100.0 (0–29.3)0.0 (0–36.2)0.5600.0 (0–9.9)0.233
IL-120.0 (0–37.8)2.7 (0–15.3)0.0000.0 (0–9.5)0.701
IL-150.0 (0–61.4)0.0 (0–12.7)0.8120.6 (0–53.3)0.385
IL-170.0 (0–133.7)00.28200.262

value for difference between adult patients and healthy controls and value for difference between adult and pediatric patients.