
The aim of this article is to extract from the existing literature a consistent nomenclature that can be used in the description of coherent fault rocks. The nomenclature is dealt with in this paper. Typical microstructures illustrating each is presented in a later paper (White et al ., 1982). It will be shown that a simple set of nomenclature can be extracted from the literature, so long as genetic connotations are kept to a minimum. The sequence, with increasing shear strain is country rock–protomylonite–blastomylonite–mylonite–ultramylonite if the rock has a well developed foliation; country rock–protocataclasite–cataclasite–ultracataclasite if it is without a foliation.It is emphasized that a mylonite is basically a fine-grained schist that has formed within fault zones. It is the association with faulting that distinguishes a mylonite from a fine grain schist.