
The influence of the initial grain size prior to deformation on the rolling and recrystallization textures is investigated in the alloy Al-l.8wt%Cu by X-ray macrotexture analysis. Two different particle stages are examined: (i) Small shearable precipitates give rise to shear band formation and, during annealing, to nucleation of recrystallization at shear bands. (ii) Large particles cause particle stimulated nucleation of recrystallization (PSN). The microstructural evolution, particularly during recrystallization nucleation, is elucidated by metallographical investigations supported by EBSD local texture analysis.Both the initial grain size and the precipitation state strongly influence the evolution of the rolling textures. The results are interpreted with the help of Taylor-type deformation models. The recrystallization textures of Al-alloys emerge from a superposition of the orientations stemming from the various nucleation sites, i.e. Cube-bands, shear bands and particles. An increase of the initial grain size prior to deformation substantially shifts the recrystallization texture from the Cube-orientation towards the orientations being attributed to the other nucleation sites (shear bands, particles) which is interpreted by the spatial density of the various nucleation sites.