Research Article

Using Positive Youth Development Constructs to Design a Money Management Curriculum for Junior Secondary School Students in Hong Kong

Table 2

Aims and learning targets of S3 P.A.T.H.S. (II) curriculum units related to “Money and Success.”

UnitAimsLearning targets

Unit 1
Know More about Credit Cards (CC)
To understand consumer loans (e.g., using credit cards) rationally(1) To understand the financial burden and risks caused by consumer loans
(2) To reflect if there are alternatives to consumer loans

Unit 2
The Kindest Cut (SP)
To deepen students’ understanding towards meaning of life through the discussion on vocation(1) To introduce Dr. Sydney Sheung-Chee Chung’s work and worldview and probe into the conditions of ideal work
(2) To deepen students’ understanding about the relationship between money and success and reflect on the meaning of life

Unit 3
Welcome Everybody to the Party! (SE)
To help students understand the method of budgeting and how the styles of consumptions can contribute to making meaningful changes and leading to a better world(1) To nurture students’ ability of goal achievement and attitude and skills of good financial management
(2) To enhance students’ knowledge of responsible consumption with local examples and establish students’ belief in civil responsibility with the practice in consumption
(3) To encourage students to use the knowledge, skills, and attitude taught in this chapter in real school life

Notes: CC: cognitive competence, SE: self-efficacy, SP: spirituality.